The Bradley & Leila Barnes Victorian Gardens The Barnes Museum's grounds have been added to the Smithsonian's digital archive of community gardens. The Community of Gardens project is the Smithsonian’s digital home for sharing and preserving the stories of gardens and the gardeners who make them grow.
The Ruth Riccio Memorial Monarch Butterfly Waystation
In August of 2015, the Barnes Museum became a certified Monarch butterfly waystation by the National Resources Conservation Service. For decades, the removal of milkweed from gardens and farmland has led to a 90% drop in monarch butterfly numbers. This is because milkweed is the only plant that monarch butterflies will eat and lay their eggs on as they migrate from Canada to Mexico each year. By planting milkweed on our grounds, we help to conserve the monarch population. And as an added bonus, they're just wonderful to look at floating around the yard!
The Barnes Museum Scout Garden & Fountain Over the years, Scouts looking for the opportunity to complete their Eagle Scout Service Project have found their way to the Barnes Museum. The Barnes Museum and the Town of Southington would like to personally thank each Eagle Scout for their hard work and dedication!